MegaSell - многоцелевой магазин Shopify Theme

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shoppingBag Продаж: 81


Created: 17 сент. 2019 г.

Updated: 25 сент. 2023 г.

ID: 86130

og体育首页ONE - Неограниченные загрузки за $12.40/мес.

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MegaSell - многоцелевой магазин Shopify Theme - Features Image 1MegaSell - многоцелевой магазин Shopify Theme - Features Image 2MegaSell - многоцелевой магазин Shopify Theme - Features Image 3

MegaSell Shopify Theme — это чистый, элегантный шаблон электронной коммерции, специально разработанный для создания профессионального многофункционального интернет-магазина. MegaSell Shopify Theme — это умная адаптивная тема с умным дизайном и хорошим UX-дизайном для всех мобильных устройств (настольных компьютеров, планшетов и телефонов). MegaSell Shopify Theme использует популярный конструктор страниц с возможностью перетаскивания, множество настроек и опций темы, а также слайдеры премиум-класса. MegaSell Shopify Theme вложил много любви и усилий в создание этой темы. MegaSell Theme — отличный старт для тех, кто хочет открыть свой универсальный интернет-магазин или создать магазин на торговой площадке товаров.


##Update History


  • Solved Horizontal Menu issue
  • Solved Category Title issue
  • Solved Filter issue on shop page
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout


  • Solved some miscellaneous bugs.
  • Update package file for support Shopify latest version


  • Solved some miscellaneous bugs.
  • Removed the CustomerMeta app.
  • Update wishlist and compare feature.


  • Update package file for support Shopify latest version 2.x.


  • Fixed some miscellaneous css issue with theme layout.

6 отзывов на продукте

it's ok if you know how to install it yourself. quality team. unfortunately, I'm not very good at it, so I gave up success
Thank you for your feedback, we really appreciate it.
Muito bom o template, um pouco complicado para alterar algumas coisas, mas o suporte é extremamente eficiente!
Thank you so much for positive feedback.
Muito bom, algumas coisas são meio complicada de configurar, mais é incrível e tema
Thank you for review, we really appreciate it.
Great theme and quick transaction. The template monster team was very helpful.
I recently decided to make my website for sale. For a very long time I was looking for a design template that would suit me completely. As soon as I saw this template, I fell in love with it. Without thinking for a long time, I bought it. Unfortunately, this template did not suit me. No way to install it well. Unfortunately, I also did not manage to contact the author. I wrote to support, but they didn't help either.
Sorry for any inconvenience, Can you please provide support ticket ID ? we can help you setup the theme.

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