Plus Sizes OpenCart Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 53

Created: Aug 8, 2016

Updated: Aug 8, 2016

ID: 58034

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 1Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 2Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 3Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 4Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 5Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 6Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 7Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 8Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 9Plus Sizes OpenCart Template - Features Image 10
Trendy Clothes OpenCart Theme was designed for fashion stores. It has a minimalist layout, which lets the visitors focus on the clothing being offered. Big slider shows discounted offers and new collections. Text and visual banners facilitate main navigation menu. Featured products are provided with hover effects. Each has a quick view function, so the buyer will be able to see the item in detail before the purchase. The products have stickers. Additional icon-based buttons appear on mouse over.

Templateog体育首页 MarketPlace

Templateog体育首页 is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Fashion & Beauty Blog OpenCart theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design is a technique of web design that enables web pages to adapt to a screen size of any kind of gadget - may it be a pc, a laptop or a mobile.

Why is it Good?

No matter what kind of device your clients are going to utilize to enter the web site - they will certainly see a radiant picture which includes a simple navigation menu. It is deemed an especially relevant function, considering that the majority of customers currently choose their smartphones for internet surfing.

Latest Responsive OpenCart design templates here

This is Fashion Designer OpenCart ecommerce template with On-line chat

What is it?

Organizations that provide their merchandise through technical support practice it in various particular ways, however online chat has become the rarest. This means that you can find a solution to your question really fast and also have a talk with someone who can help you to solve any sort of troubles.

Why is it Good?

On-line chat will probably be the most efficient process to connect with any visitors and turn them into your customers.

Latest On-line chat OpenCart templates here

This is a Bootstrap Fashion & Beauty Store OpenCart design

What is it?

This is the most widely used HTML and CSS based framework that contains designs for the primary components found in the HTML coding.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is a very effective tool and that is the valid reason it is very popular. Using this type of framework, it will be easy for you to create responsive design, appropriate for any form of display size, prototype new designs without the complications and be sure your web page happens to be cross-browser compatible.

Click for more Bootstrap OpenCart design themes here

5 Reviews for this product

Очень хороший и удобный шаблон. Переделывать под наш сайт пришлось совсем немного. Удобная оплата и сервис. Все ясно и понятно. Теперь о минусах: на следующий день (или через 2 дня) после покупки шаблона пришло какое-то странное письмо якобы от сотрудников темплейтмонстра о том, что мой платеж не прошел за шаблон и нужно что-то еще оплатить. Так как деньги с моего счета списались, и шаблон был получен, то я решил что это какие-то мошейнники и просто удалил письмо в спам. Правда, мой английский на очень низком уровне и я мог что-то в нем не понять. Но сотрудникам темплейтмонстра, если этот случай не единственный необходимо обратить внимание на подобные вещи.
A good theme, we had some problems but the Templateog体育首页 Team worked them out!
Большое спасибо за Ваш шаблон. Отлично нам подошел и используется в настоящий момент клиентом. Со своей стороны мы по просьбе клиента модифицировали корзину и оформление заказа, а также внесли незначительные изменения в футер и хедер веб-сайта. Отличное решение для тех, кто хочет быстро и просто сделать интернет-магазин на базе платформы Opencart. Будем следить и за следующими Вашими шаблонами под разные CMS
Template og体育首页 did an amazing job and we wholeheartedly recommend them to any company who wish to develop a cutting-edge web site at a reasonable price. The template is just what we are looking for. The web site interface is so brilliant and its function is powerful. Their customer support team is also very dedicated and professional, they helped solve most technical issues we encounter in a timely manner. Thank you so much!
I can highly recommend this template and their support is good.

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