Industrx Business-Industry Joomla 5 Joomla 4 és Joomla 3 sablon
og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

Változási napló
-Joomla 4-5 Version, JT TContent Slider, Smart Slider, Yendif VideoShare Updated.
-Joomla 4-5 Version, SP Simple Portfolio, JT Testimonial, JT Content Slider , Smart Slider Updated.
-Joomla 4-5 Version, SP Simple Portfolio, Acymailing , Smart Slider, T3 Framework Updated.
-Joomla 4-5 Version, SP Simple Portfolio, Acymailing , Smart Slider, T3 Framework Updated.
-Joomla 5 Version added.
-Joomla 4 Version, Quickform and T3 Framework Updated.
-User reported minor bug fixed.
-User reported minor bug fixed.
- Joomla 4 Version, Acymailing and JT Content Slider Updated. 04/02/2023
- Joomla 4 Version, Acymailing and T3 Framework Updated. Breezingforms replaced by Quickform 31/10/2022
- Joomla Versions, SP Simple Portfolio, Acymailing and T3 Framework Updated. 09/07/2022 -Joomla 4 preloader issue fixed. Joomla Version, Unite Slider and Acymailing Updated. 07/05/2022 -Joomla 4 search results issue fixed. -19/03/2022 Joomla 4 Compatibility Added. -13/03/2022 Joomla Version, Unite Slider and Acymailing Updated. 21/12/2021 -Joomla Version and Acymailing Updated. 05/11/2021
- Joomla Version, Acymailing and T3 Framework Updated. 14/09/2021 -Joomla Version, SP Simple Portfolio and T3 Framework Updated. 17/06/2021 -Joomla Version and T3 Framework Updated. 25/04/2021 -Joomla Version, Acymailing and SP Simple Portfolio Updated. 05/03/2021 -Joomla Version and Acymailing Updated. 10/02/2021 -Adjustable logo Size Option Updated 30/01/2021 -User Reported Thememagic bug fixed 20/01/2021 -Minor bug fixed 13/01/2021 -Joomla Version, Acymailing and SP Simple Portfolio Updated. 26/11/2020 -Joomla Version Updated, Acymailing Updated. 07/10/2020 -Joomla Version Updated 07/09/2020 -Extensions List in package Updated 26/08/2020 -Joomla and Breezingforms Updated 14/08/2020 -Acymailing and Breezingforms Updated. Change logo size option added. 15/07/2020 -Joomla and Breezingforms Updated 25/06/2020 -Breezingforms Updated Minor CSS bug fixed 03/06/2020 -Joomla Version Updated
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