Modèle Gamez VirtueMart

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shoppingBag Ventes: 9


Créé: 17 août 2015

Actualisée: 17 août 2015

ID: 55358

og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $12.40/mois

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Gamez est un modèle prêt à l'emploi qui plaira à n'importe quel site Web de jeu. Le thème comporte de nombreuses images de qualité. C'est pourquoi, afin d'accélérer le chargement de votre site, l'effet lazy load a été intégré. Avec le défilement parallaxe , ce dernier ajoute plus d'interactivité à la mise en page. Ce modèle Games Store VirtueMart comprend une grande zone de héros accrocheuse, un menu collant, des bannières audacieuses organisées en tuiles, un bloc basé sur une grille avec des éléments en vedette et de grandes options de partage social qui ne peuvent tout simplement pas passer inaperçues. Pour une meilleure expérience d'achat, le thème comprend la recherche en direct, le panier d'achat ajax, le zoom cloud, un ensemble de modules Virtuemart, des catégories accordéon, etc. Grâce à la fonctionnalité avancée de Bootstrap, le thème fonctionne parfaitement sur divers appareils.

2 Commentaires sur ce produit

Perfect production for me and my work. I am sure it can improve the quality of my service and bussness and I is a new thing that I need for improving and be up to date
The Games Store VirtueMart template is a very nice template with much options... With the frontpage blocks you can make easily a connection to all of the important information on the site. The three most important factors for choosing this template: 1. The layout of the page. 2. The options the layout is offering (is it possible to show all the information the customer want?) 3. The option that it is a responsive template. About myself: I'm a webdesigner at a small company and we create website and e-commerce solutions for customers. After we know the wishes from the customer we normally make a design based on TM templates. This template we used for a customer who sells products for animals such as horses, dogs, chicken and pigeons. After we show him the design he was very enthusiastic and we could realize his website with this template. On this time we are busy with building. In the process we're going through we encountered some problems with the products in the shop. When there are >4 products (and we set the shop on 4 columns) product 5 is lined out on the right (second row) and product 6 on the left site (row 3). But I'm for sure that the problem will be solved very quick by the technical people from TM. The service (in the livechat) is very good and fast. So about the template and offcourse Templateog体育首页, as a company, only great words. Go on with it we're very proud to work with your products!
Thank you for your feedback! It seems you need to edit the files in css or php. Please visit our live chat - and our specialists will be glad to assist you!

0 Commentaires pour ce produit

A propos de l'auteur

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
