UpLine - Nábytek, dům a interiér Nákupní centrum Elementor WooCommerce Theme
og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

October 16, 2024:
- Update core plugin to 3.2.1
- Added shimmer and loading effects
September 21, 2024:
- Update core plugin to 3.2.0
- Update avanam theme to 1.4.5
August 24, 2024:
- Update core plugin to 3.0.8
- Update avanam theme to 1.4.4
January 24, 2024:
- Major Update - Version 2.0.0
August 12, 2023:
- Changed sample data in the upline_customizer_export.dat, upline_widgets_settings.wie, upline_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
- Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
- Update WordPress Version
- Update Revolution Slider
- Fixed some miscellaneous bugs with theme package.
- Update latest version of Revolution Slider & WP Bakery plugin.
- Solve some miscellaneous bugs.
- Update latest version of Revolution Slider & WP Bakery plugin.
- Update theme plugins files.
- Update theme package for fixed outdated file issue.
- Solve some miscellaneous bugs.
- Fixed outdated file issue and update plugins files.
- Update theme package for fixed outdated file issue.
- Update Sample data file and update plugins files.
- Fixed some miscellaneous CSS issue.
- Fixed outdated file issue with WooCommerce plugins file.
- Update Sample data file.
- Update plugin Revolution, WPBakery Page Builder, Shortcode.
7 Reviews for this product
Very great theme! Support too, thank you very much for your help. you are the best
Thank you very much for the feedback. Appreciate it!
Very nice and modern template, quite easy to implement and configure.
Понравился дизайн. Достаточно приятный и легко модернизируемый шаблон. Пока что не возникло с ним проблем, но время помкажет может изменю отзыв. Написан на елементоре. Единственное что непонятно, это то. Что нет страницы shop в обычном ее понимании в вукомерсе. Вместо нее страница категорий.
Thank you.
Great looking theme and great support. Would recommend to others. Thanks
Thank you. :)
Very good-looking theme, very sociable support that always helps
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